And now for a joint post of absolute randomness. Sunny = this color, Rusty = this color. Aaaaaand GO.
I only wear one contact lens.
I am left-handed, and prejudiced against right-handers who think they're so awesome.
I sleep with LOTS of blankets-- not for the warmth, but for the weight. I also prefer to sleep with my head completely covered.
I once fought a spider bigger than my dog. And lost.
Rusty is given to hyperbole.
The only person I've been friends with longer than I've been friends with Nintendo is Jason Timothy.
I know exactly how many plates, bowls, forks, spoons, knives, and cups I have.
I steal plastic cutlery from Cafe Rio.
When I was in Jr. High I would buy shoes about 2-3 sizes too big because I thought my small feet made me look fat.
I don't use my pinkies when I type.
The thing I am most afraid of is going into the men's bathroom by mistake. The thing I used to be most afraid of was closed shower curtains in house bathrooms. Or rather, what might lurk behind said closed curtains.
My vision prescription is -9.50. To put that into terms of 20/20 vision, that is 20/950 which means at 20 feet, I see what an average person sees at 950 feet.
I have been 3 credits away from graduating with my bachelor's degree for like, 3 years now.
I read The Hobbit in third grade and have been a nerd ever since. A deep, deep fantasy nerd.
I went to Disneyland 5 times in 2005.
I've been to Disneyland twice in my life. Once in 1983, once in 2004. To put this into perspective, the first time I went, Star Tours didn't exist.
The only video game I have ever beaten is Aladdin on Super Nintendo.
I have probably played about 650 of the original 800 NES games library.
I own roughly 300 books, of which I have read at least 280.
I got into acting when I was 14 due to petty jealousy.
My drivers ed teacher said that though I did not technically pass my driving test, he would pass me anyway on good faith that I would keep practicing with responsible and experienced drivers. Subsequently, I got in 9 car accidents in my first year of driving and learned to drive properly from my resulting traffic school sentences.
I got my ear partially torn off in high school because I was clowning around during a McCarthyism simulation in Humanities class during my senior year of high school.
I am neither a morning person nor a night person. I could go to bed at 10:00 PM and wake up at 10:00 AM every day for the rest of my life if I could.
I like to be awake when the world is asleep.
In an attempt to avoid hitting an adorable squirrel, I over-corrected and rolled my truck twice, shattering every bone in my left hand. About a week later I lost my cast and brace in the depths of Pineview Reservoir while riding wave runners, against doctor's orders.
I broke my elbow in rehearsal for Damn Yankees. We opened in two weeks, and it healed in a week and a half. Milk does a body good.
I was homeless for several months when I moved back to Utah from North Carolina. I lived out of my truck and all of my possessions fit into a single laundry basket. One of my managers from Barnes & Noble somehow found out and let me live on his couch for a few more months until I could get on my feet with some roommates. Living with him include some of the best memories of my life.
I've worn the same pant size for ten years.
Even though my weight is the eternal yo-yo, somehow so have I.
The first time I had a run-in with my conscience was right after my baptism. I ate some gummy bears, my mom asked me if I did and I said no. I began systematically erasing my conscience after that.
Captain America is my conscience. I can't even take a pen from the bank without losing sleep until I give it back.
Sunny's a better person than I am.
He's right, you know.