I know a thing or two about writing. I've been going to college for like 17 years now, so I've written a fair few essays. I am not proclaiming to be any glorious gift to wordsmithery or what-have-you, just that I know my way around a pen and paper. Er... keyboard and screen. At any rate, writing and blogging, it turns out, come from completely separate realms of the vernacular universe. I have written many things, but this is my first attempt at blogging. This is what I've learned so far.
1. Blogs should be pretty. Ok, so mine is conspicuously NOT pretty. At least not at the time of this posting. I spent about two plus hours trying out the various templates, backgrounds, and fonts... and this is what I came up with. I suppose the design and layout of the blog ought to reflect one's personality, interests, and distinctive style. I would hope that I'm not boring, bland, or unimaginative as a person, and yet this is the best I could muster. I shall have to inquire amongst more experienced bloggers how best to surmount this glaring inadequacy.
2. Blogs should have pictures. Not too many, but not... none. Too many pictures will bore your audience, but enough are necessary to capture and retain attention. I have fallen out of the habit of photo documentation, as I prefer not to experience life through a view finder. Alas, I regret my lack of evidence of experiences had and shared so I firmly resolve to... buy a camera with my tax returns and start using it, gosh dangit.
3. Blogs should be written. No really, they should! On a semi-regular basis, no less! They don't compose themselves, you know! This is my first post, and I am determined that it NOT to be my last. Enough said.
And thus I welcome myself to the world of blogging. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Or at least an amicable one. I have a lot yet to learn, but I look forward to the journey.
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