My Rusty is an amazing actor.
Rusty's journey of The Hasty Heart began over 15 years ago, but I will leave that story for him to blog about. I joined him on the path last year, when he found out that Hale Centre Theatre was bringing back this production for their 2011 season. Come along, friends. I will take you with us.
Milestone 1: The Cut
No World War II soldier would have a prayer of squeaking by with hair like Rusty's. The decision was painful, but clear. In January he went from this...
To this...
To this.
Step one complete. Rusty showed he was in it to win it by parting with his beloved Sampson coif. I have to admit, although I loved running my fingers through his long locks, I think he looks ever so handsome with boy hair.
Milestone 2: The Audition
I will leave any sentiments of the emotions and anxiety hanging on this audition for Rusty to document. I will however, report that though we knew his heart was all the way in it, and that he was well qualified for the job, the casting process is a mystery I will never solve-- and Hale casting may very well be the biggest mystery of all. Getting the callback was a triumph over hurdle number one. After reading at callbacks, Rusty came home and said "I did well, but there's no way they'll cast me." And the waiting game began.
Milestone 3: The Call
The next day, though he felt good about his audition and call-back, and said that no matter the outcome he did the best he could, anxious anticipation took hold. Rusty blew up my phone and gchat at work with exclamations of elation when he got the call that sealed the deal! He had not only been cast, he had gotten the role of Yank-- a role of a lifetime. If I remember correctly, I left work that day because the excitement was too much for me to handle as well! I can only imagine what this meant to Rusty.
Milestone 4: The Time
Rusty commenced rehearsals every weeknight and Saturday mornings for the next several weeks. We spent a lot of our free time running lines. I would read all the lines preceding his, with Rusty rolling his eyes at my rendition of the various accents. I must say, this was some special one-on-one time that we got to share, and I treasure every second. Aside from that, it was an interesting progression-- I would get the snapshot view of all his dialog, but miss the context. I made it a point to not read the entire script, so that the completed puzzle could be revealed to me when the show opened. I was not disappointed.
Milestone 5: The Payoff
Opening night, Saturday April 16. Though opening night is what an actor anticipates throughout the entire rehearsal process, somehow it always seems to take you by surprise when it finally arrives. Rusty had gotten me comp tickets for the following Thursday, and as far as he was aware, that would be my first time seeing it. Silly Rusty... as if I'd dream of missing opening night!
Clarissa (whose husband is also in the show, playing Tommy) and I conspired to surprise our men by showing up for their Hasty Heart debut. As soon as Rusty was out the door, I giddily texted Clarissa: "Oh my gosh, I am sooo excited! Rusty has no idea we are coming, it will be the best surprise ever!" ... And sent it to Rusty.
He called several minutes later, during which time I was wondering why the heck Kia hadn't responded to my text, and said "Ooooh, babe! You should really check who you're sending secrets to!" I was devastated at blowing our awesome surprise. But I suppose it all turned out alright in the end. The show exceeded my every expectation, and I was absolutely blown away by everyone's performance. I may be biased, but I was particularly stunned by my Rusty.
I'll wrap up this already-way-too-long post with some anecdotal snaps of opening night.
"Yank" is recovering from malaria in an allied military hospital during WWII. So what better to send than a get well package? |
Clarissa and me with the men of the ward, Tommy the Englishman, Digger the Australian, and Kiwi from New Zealand. (Eric Armstrong, Jon Baty, and Adam Dietlein) |
Me and my handsome soldier! So proud of my sweetheart! |
Awww, so cute!