I have spent the summer thus far performing the role of the money-driven saloon owner Miss Katty Black in the Off Broadway Theater's production of "Kung Fooey." The hallmark of the OBT summer show is that at the end of the run, we get to take it on the road to... Kamas! Kamas is a small town just beyond Park City, for those of you who have never heard of it. Last year we did the same thing with "Robin Hood" and it was a wonderful adventure. This year proved to be just as freaking awesome.
Since I play a hotel-wrangler by day, I once again secured some villas in Park City for the cast. Last year I got us a couple of days at Marriott's MountainSide. We went up on Monday (or whatever the heck day it was last year), performed our show, partied the night away, and then got to spend all day Tuesday playing volleyball in the pool, napping, and generally hanging out around the resort. This year our Kamas performances coincided with several huge Park City conferences and I could only get Monday night at the Summit Watch property, so we had to get creative with our day activities on Tuesday.
We arrived at Summit Watch around 4:00 PM on Monday and a few of us gathered for a little barbecue. It was raining a bit and I had to curl my hair for the show later so I came up with an impromptu rain cover whilst I cooked my steaks (to delicious perfection, I might add). It did the trick quite nicely.
Plastic bags-- not just for groceries and destroying the environment! |
Since we were grillin', I told the boys to act manly. This is what they came up with... ahem. |
After food, we performed our little farce to the sheer amusement of our Kamas audience. Rusty made it up for the show and conspired to do some of the Kung Fu subtitle-like voiceovers for part of the second act. No one in the cast knew he was doing it so we were all surprised and delighted by his hilarious rendition of the role! I may be partial, but I wished we had gotten him for the entire run. No offense to those who regularly performed the bit of course-- you were great! I just like Rusty. He's cute. And funny.
After the show we convened at our villas for games and revelry. In no time, the music was going and a few of us didn't stop dancing for the next several hours. I woke up with several bruisies and rug burns... but you gotta go where the beat takes you, you know? I love dance partying. Oh man, so fun.
The next morning I made breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits. We had to check out at 11:30 so thus began our figure-out-what-to-do-with-ourselves adventure. We began by joining the Jensen's on Main Street for some general tomfoolery and tasty gelato. Being the 24th of July week, Eric acted as a one-man parade up the street-- marching and waving as if accompanied by a float and band. The gelato shop showcased a number of highly breakable items that nary a one of us should've been trusted around. I freaking love actors, we are a ridiculous bunch. Afterward, I knew there was a park nearby so we set out on a journey to find it. The walk there followed a pleasant, tree lined path running parallel to a little stream. We paused to enjoy the beautiful nature and wonderful company at the infamous shoe tree.
Yay for gelato! Sandy thought she was photo-bombing us, but we were on to her. |
We decided that if ever we fall on hard times, we're going to the shoe-tree for some new kicks. Some of the shoes hanging around were better than any we've ever owned. Park City... sheesh. |
At the park, we played on the big nature-inspired musical instruments and strewed ourselves across the grass for some recovery time from our previous late night and current little walk. We then caught a free bus back to Main Street. My favorite part was when Clarence sat next to a girl with headphones on and talked to her the whole time as if she could hear or was even interested in a single word he had to say. Once back, we perused some shops and wiled away the afternoon until it was pizza time.
Playing music is fun. See how much fun Nic & Angie are having?!? |
Pull up some grass, the air is fine! |
In Dolly's Bookstore, we all signed a "Kung Fooey" autograph page in a display novelty awesome shiny writing book. We decided that if any of us make the summer show next year, we will come back and sign another. Think about it. If we ever become super-famous, this could be a pretty big deal.
We had so much fun with finger puppets! I really wanted to buy one to play with my nieces and nephews but they were all so incredibly awesome that in the end I simply could not decide which to get. |
The 5-Cheese specialty pizza at this place is the stuff of legend, oh gosh. EJ stuck a red hard candy to his nose and we all decided it looked more like there was some freak spot on the camera lens. |
We performed another great show on Tuesday night to officially close the run of "Kung Fooey," bid our farewells and headed home. There are many reasons an actor acts but not leastways because of the fantastic cast camaraderie that ensues in a show setting. To the cast: I had a wonderful time, thanks for a great run, lots of laughs, and incredible friendship!
I don't know who that guy in the middle is... so this is the best attempt I have at a cast photo. We are hot. |
I'm glad you guys had a good time! Thanks again for making Eric and I look like we know what we're doing! Bring on summer 2012!!