I asked a few close friends and family members to send me something nice to say about Sunny. It wasn't difficult. I feel bad I didn't get more people, because it would certainly be a sight to see all the amazing things people feel about one person. Sunny did this for me last year, and while I'm not being super original, I think it's the sweetest thing someone can do for the person they love. So Sunny, this is for you. Merry Christmas.
From Alisa Rodgers:
Oh Sunshine, sharing in your adventures is one of the highlights of my life! Your love of life and travel is contagious and it makes you a joy to be around. You work hard and play hard and work hard at playing hard, but it is not hard to play when you are around! Thanks for being the wonderful little ball of joy and energy that you are and for including me in a few of your adventures. One of my most cherished memories is you running towards the pool in Newport Beach tossing your clothes about like a Tasmanian devil and flinging yourself into the water. When you take this approach to life, you put a smile on all the faces around you. What a gift!
Love you Sunshine, let’s have more adventures together!
From Patrick Harris:
I am so lucky to have you as my sister in law! I want you to know that I really cherish you as a friend and sister. I don't really know what I would do without you in the family. I love you so much and have so much fun with you. I love the time we get to spend together and love having you to talk to. I admire your amazing qualities of acceptance, forgiveness, optimism, and unconditional love. You are an amazing example to me of true friendship. I really wish the best for you and hope that you can have everything you dream of. You definitely are amazing with kids and I am sure will always be the favorite aunt. :)
Thank you for always being there for me and for putting up with me. I love you and cherish you so much. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Love, Amy
From Sterling Simkins:
Our Sunny is Funny. She’s is also intelligent, conscientious, caring, and compassionate. All of these are wonderful character traits in and of themselves but add the clever wit and ability to brighten the room with her presence and it’s no wonder everyone loves to have her around. We all know we’re going to think, contemplate, and smile when she is with us. Her disposition is truly, sunny.
Sunny is also an accomplished conversationalist. For the sake of a kind word, a congenial exchange, or a pleasant discussion, Sunny contributes delightfully. But should the tone turn to debate, watch out; for she will rip you a new one.
It’s interesting that whenever we happen upon current or old friends, whether from here, there, or everywhere, inevitably the question is asked, “How is Sunny?” Above all else Sunny makes a lasting and positive impression.
From Robyn Simkins:
Sunny is my sun shine, my dear sweet gift of light. I can’t even begin to say how wonderful it was to hold the most beautiful baby girl in my arms for the first time and thank Heavenly Father for her. I was impressed very early on with her intelligence and talents. She could sing entire primary songs at the age of 18 months. Most children can’t even talk at that age. I have proof of it on cassette tape. She was reading way beyond her years in elementary school, reciting long poems and stories from memory at that early age. She was also performing challenging songs with lots of words that she probably didn’t even quite know what they meant with depth and feeling at that time too. Wherever we have lived, people remember Sunny and ask about her well after we have moved away. We’ve shared the most wonderful times and had wonderful conversations and good laughs. I’ve always known she has the most amazing spirit of anyone I’ve ever known…no battle, no debate. I am so honored to be called “mom” by her during this earthly journey. She’s been my best friend through it all! I love her more than words can express.
From Kori Witmer:
There are so many things I can say about my sister. There is absolutely no way I can put any of it into words. But I'll take a light saber swing at it.
Sunny, my beautiful and incredible sister. Never giving up, always smiling first, never failing to take care of others when she deserves the entire world and universe before her feet. If I were even half the woman she is, it would be an accomplishment unlike I have ever had. She is my hero, my best friend, and best of all; my sister.
Without getting too emotional, I have to especially make the point that my sister is the very core of my life force. My inspiration and my steady balance. As she is always the first person I turn to in time of need, she has never let me down. How I wish I could give her the life loving spirit she gives me on a daily basis. There is no way in any language that I could possibly express my love for my sister and how much she means to me. I adore and want nothing but blissful Jedi-strength happiness for her. The force is strong with this one. And it will be with her... Always.
From Aron Simkins:
Dearest Sunny,
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