24 December 2011

How Special You Really Are

I asked a few close friends and family members to send me something nice to say about Sunny. It wasn't difficult. I feel bad I didn't get more people, because it would certainly be a sight to see all the amazing things people feel about one person. Sunny did this for me last year, and while I'm not being super original, I think it's the sweetest thing someone can do for the person they love. So Sunny, this is for you. Merry Christmas.

From Matt Glade:

I think of Sunny and I think of someone who goes out of her way to make sure everyone around her and in her life is comfortable, taken care of, and welcomed; even if it comes to a great inconvenience to her. She brings smiles and great attitude to everyone around her. She has been a great friend, even though she didn't have to be and I'll always love her for that.

From Alisa Rodgers:

I love you to death Sunny!!! When I first met you I was overcome with how freakin gorgeous you are, especially when you are smiling, which is all the time. As I got to know you, my admiration for you grew and grew. Not only do you have the strikingly beautiful looks, but you have a power house personality to go along with it. You are strong and independent and are so full of life, and in your own unique Sunny sort of way. It's so interesting, refreshing, and brag worthy. I want to just follow you around, listen to your opinions, life experience, and words of wisdom. You are the life of the party. If you're with Sunny, you know you are going to laugh a ton and have an amazing time! On top of that you are an absolute sweetheart. You care so much for those around you and you are amazing at letting them feel your love. I'm so grateful I've had the privilege of feeling your sweet sincere love and care. It means everything. Another thing is you are so genuine, even with small talk. I know you're going to give it to me straight which to me shows the confidence you have in yourself which also helps bring out the best in others. To top it all of you are talented to the max! You've got a power house voice, and I had better see you in more roles cause I couldn't get enough of you in Robin Hood! I love you to death Sunny! I love you forever! Love Alisa Rodgers

From Monte Garcia:

Sunny is a real person. I've always known her to be genuine and true to herself. She doesn't conform to anyone's expectations but her's and lives life on her own terms. She is strong and kind, and cares deeply for those in her life. She is always full of life and has a quick smile that is infectious. I've had the pleasure of knowing Sunny for almost a decade and am grateful to count her as one of my friends. -Monte Garcia

From Kia Armstrong:

Sunshine, I'm so very glad that I know you! You are an energetic ball of fun and I love every moment we spend together!! I'm glad that we clicked so quickly and that we've maintained our friendship through all the crap life has thrown at us. I love that we can tease each other (relentlessly at times) and talk about serious, important things all in the same conversation. I love acting, traveling, eating, talking, secret projecting, and just being with you! Your friendship means the world to me and I'd hate to imagine my life without you! Thank you so much for all the talks and happy times, I can't wait for years more! I love you and wish you the merriest of Christmases!!! -Kia

From Eric Armstrong:

Oh Sunshine, sharing in your adventures is one of the highlights of my life! Your love of life and travel is contagious and it makes you a joy to be around. You work hard and play hard and work hard at playing hard, but it is not hard to play when you are around! Thanks for being the wonderful little ball of joy and energy that you are and for including me in a few of your adventures. One of my most cherished memories is you running towards the pool in Newport Beach tossing your clothes about like a Tasmanian devil and flinging yourself into the water. When you take this approach to life, you put a smile on all the faces around you. What a gift!

Love you Sunshine, let’s have more adventures together!


From Patrick Harris:

Good Evening Sunny,

It's been some time since we chillaxed in classic fashion, but I can say honestly that those board game/cheers nights have ranked among my fondest memories. Verily, I declare, I shall miss them somethun fierce! I have to add that the frank and 'colloquial' advice you and Rusty have given me over the year has saved me from some dark decisions...

I don't think it's an overstatement to say you are easily one of the wittiest and most clever people I've met and any chance to hang is welcomed by me graciously. Keep up the good work!

Happy Christmas! Hope to see you again soon!!

From Amy Simkins:

I am so lucky to have you as my sister in law! I want you to know that I really cherish you as a friend and sister. I don't really know what I would do without you in the family. I love you so much and have so much fun with you. I love the time we get to spend together and love having you to talk to. I admire your amazing qualities of acceptance, forgiveness, optimism, and unconditional love. You are an amazing example to me of true friendship. I really wish the best for you and hope that you can have everything you dream of. You definitely are amazing with kids and I am sure will always be the favorite aunt. :)
Thank you for always being there for me and for putting up with me. I love you and cherish you so much. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Love, Amy

From Sterling Simkins:

Our Sunny is Funny. She’s is also intelligent, conscientious, caring, and compassionate. All of these are wonderful character traits in and of themselves but add the clever wit and ability to brighten the room with her presence and it’s no wonder everyone loves to have her around. We all know we’re going to think, contemplate, and smile when she is with us. Her disposition is truly, sunny.

Sunny is also an accomplished conversationalist. For the sake of a kind word, a congenial exchange, or a pleasant discussion, Sunny contributes delightfully. But should the tone turn to debate, watch out; for she will rip you a new one.

It’s interesting that whenever we happen upon current or old friends, whether from here, there, or everywhere, inevitably the question is asked, “How is Sunny?” Above all else Sunny makes a lasting and positive impression.


From Robyn Simkins:

Sunny is my sun shine, my dear sweet gift of light. I can’t even begin to say how wonderful it was to hold the most beautiful baby girl in my arms for the first time and thank Heavenly Father for her. I was impressed very early on with her intelligence and talents. She could sing entire primary songs at the age of 18 months. Most children can’t even talk at that age. I have proof of it on cassette tape. She was reading way beyond her years in elementary school, reciting long poems and stories from memory at that early age. She was also performing challenging songs with lots of words that she probably didn’t even quite know what they meant with depth and feeling at that time too. Wherever we have lived, people remember Sunny and ask about her well after we have moved away. We’ve shared the most wonderful times and had wonderful conversations and good laughs. I’ve always known she has the most amazing spirit of anyone I’ve ever known…no battle, no debate. I am so honored to be called “mom” by her during this earthly journey. She’s been my best friend through it all! I love her more than words can express.

From Kori Witmer:

There are so many things I can say about my sister. There is absolutely no way I can put any of it into words. But I'll take a light saber swing at it.

Sunny, my beautiful and incredible sister. Never giving up, always smiling first, never failing to take care of others when she deserves the entire world and universe before her feet. If I were even half the woman she is, it would be an accomplishment unlike I have ever had. She is my hero, my best friend, and best of all; my sister.

Without getting too emotional, I have to especially make the point that my sister is the very core of my life force. My inspiration and my steady balance. As she is always the first person I turn to in time of need, she has never let me down. How I wish I could give her the life loving spirit she gives me on a daily basis. There is no way in any language that I could possibly express my love for my sister and how much she means to me. I adore and want nothing but blissful Jedi-strength happiness for her. The force is strong with this one. And it will be with her... Always.


From Aron Simkins:

Dearest Sunny,

When I was asked to write this letter to you, I had a few decisions to make. The biggest, most important was whether to write it as if it were an obituary or simply as a nice letter for Christmas. Since I don't know how you died, and I don't want to take the liberty of creating your death, I will just write it as the latter.

Throughout our lives, you and I have always shared a lot of similarities; and even though we haven't always gotten along, I have often times boasted that the two of us are, in fact, twins...and not separated by 14 months. It is probably because of our closeness that we don't get along all the time. That and I'm a B-hole. Anyway, we share a similar sense of humor, similar tastes in movies and books, similar disdain for the hardships of growing up in "poor" and sometimes "ruthless" conditions, thanks to our parents' decisions to deprive us of everything from good cereal (the sugar kinds) to more than two squares/plies of toilet paper. And let's not forget the long, abusive nights of sitting in agony at the dinner table, hours after dinner had finished, staring at our cold plate of terrible that was hard to look at, let alone swallow. The worst part was realizing that as much as we wished it gone, we knew we would undoubtably see it again in the morning for breakfast, which is why we never had sugar cereals. But I digress. This isn't supposed to be a letter about our parents. This is supposed to be a letter about you.

Sunny, I have always wanted the best for you. I think, in my sometimes un-tactful way, that I have demonstrated this on a number of occasions over the last few years (for better or worse). The first time I really recall my own desire for your benefit was at the end of my senior year when you found out you didn't make Madrigals. I was surprised at how heartbroken I was for you. I have always thought you were a wonderful singer with excellent stage presence. But it wasn't that you didn't make it that surprised me the most. It was my reaction to your reaction. I realized in that moment that what you do does mean something to me; it was a source of pride for my sister to succeed and be happy. Over the next few years, I had countless other opportunities to share the happy moments and some of the heartaches with you. It has been these experiences that have brought us together. And it has been these experiences that have allowed me to act like a big brother (at times), as well as gloat at your accomplishments. I hope you will always be able to see and interpret my actions as sincere, even when they aren't displayed in the best possible way.

You are a very talented person with a ton to offer. You have a way of connecting with people that I will never have. Things in life may never go just as we want or would like; but despite what obstacles are thrown your way, I hope you will be happy...or at least find that reason to be happy. Thanks for being my sister, even when there are times I'm sure you'd like not to be.

Merry Christmas.

Aronsaraus Rex

From the Bringhurst Family:

Dear Sunny, We are so happy to have you in Rusty's (and our) life! You are a sweet talented young women and we hope we'll always be a family. Love, Russ, Chris & Tim Bringhurst

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