23 March 2012

Our First Real Vacation

Ahoy, Mickey!

Rusty and I have taken little staycations here and there, mainly to Park City and the like. And always just for the night.  And to my everlasting frustration, we have planned and subsequently canceled more vacations than I care to admit.  NOT THIS TIME, FOLKS! We found a rare window of opportunity between our crazy work and show schedules to escape, and we jumped on it.

We decided, we planned, and we went to Disneyland!!!

As we headed to Vegas after initial departure on Saturday afternoon, the rain was so crazy-treacherous that we detoured to St. George and crashed there for the night.  The next morning we were off with a bang and on our way to sunny California!

...Or so we thought.

As we crossed into the San Bernadino highway stretch of the drive, we were met with menacing gray skies and snow.  What?! It was particularly disconcerting because we'd left a balmy, 70° Utah behind us.  At any rate, we were glad to be fancy-free on vacation so we didn't mind... too much.

We arrived at my home-away-from-home, the Newport Coast Villas, on Saturday afternoon and spent the evening grilling up steaks, veggies, and pineapple.  Ahhhh, how wonderful to leave real-life behind.

Monday marked the first of three glorious Disney days.  We conquered California Adventure on day one.  Rusty hadn't been since 2004 and remembered it as being somewhat lackluster so I was determined to prove him wrong. I succeeded. We had an amazing time.

The highlights of the day included:

Toy Story Mania: Rusty, of course, got a ridiculously high score. And if it's not the coolest interactive game ride, I don't know what is. Let's face it.
Using my womanly wiles, I somehow convinced Mr. Scaredypants to ride. And he didn't hate it!  Although if you look closely, I bet you can guess the not-so-Disney-friendly word he is about to scream as we make our initial drop. Alas, no amount of eyelash batting could get him to go again. But I still count it as a major win on my part!
World of Color: I'd never seen it until this trip so we got to experience a Disney first together!  It was breathtaking.
We went to Disneyland on Tuesday and Wednesday and had a most wonderful time.  The winner of the trip was Rusty's favorite, Pirates of the Caribbean. We went on it at least four times.  In second was the new and improved Star Tours.  OH MAN, it did not disappoint!  I was blown away by the extreme awesomeness. I think given the chance, we would have spent an entire day going on it over and over to experience all of its many scenario combinations.  

Tuesday was kind of a mini-Disney day, as we were at the brink of shutting down from exhaustion, and Rusty wrenched his back somehow. We ended up taking off a bit early. The next day we were ready to rally! We decided to splurge and ate an incredible lunch at the Blue Bayou.  Seemed only fitting, as Pirates was a recurring theme on our trip thus far.  Then, to our surprise and delight, our good pal Matt Glade was there at the same time so we spent the rest of the day with him! 

When we met up with Matt, he said something to the effect of "Avengers away!" That's when I realized-- yep, we sure did all wear our Marvel hero T-shirts to Disneyland that day. 
Storm Troopers like Pirates of the Caribbean too.

Delicious Blue Bayou
Somehow I beat both Rusty and Matt at Astro Blasters. And not even by a small margin either. I obliterated them.

Check out all our super impressive photo ops!
Well, that about wraps it up folks. Of course we concluded our Disney adventure with fireworks and Fantasmic.  And being the ridiculous weenies we are, Rusty and I cried our faces off at both.  Especially Fantasmic.  We are hopeless, but at least we are hopeless together. We had a magical adventure and loved every second of joyful non-adulthood-ness.  May this mark the first of many, MANY more trips to come. 

12 January 2012

The Hasty Heart

It's 1996. I have an outstanding amount of acne, a terrible haircut, and 2 years of acting under my belt. I had only done shows at Albion Middle School and Brighton High, so I wouldn't consider it my best work. Now, a sophomore in high school, I go to Hale Centre Theatre's production of "Kiss & Tell" starring the love of my life (at the time) Michelle Henriksen. The only reason I went was to see her and be that really supportive guy. I had never seen a center stage production, and I have to say I was smitten by the whole experience. Being in "love" with the star aside, I was completely engrossed in the story and knew right then that I had to be on that stage. A couple of month's later, I auditioned for "The Hasty Heart". My 9th grade drama teach John Adams was directing, so I figured I had an in. I knew absolutely nothing about the show, but I wanted to be on that stage so I gave it a shot. I made callbacks, which was thrilling enough, and then at callbacks I read for the orderly. It's the smallest part in the show, but I was stoked to have a shot at it. I remember at those callbacks, John said, "Rusty read for Yank. I want to just see how it looks to have a young Yank." Well, I did AWFUL. But that's okay, I got the orderly. Throughout the run, my job, aside from my 10 lines or so, was to make all the men the food, clean the dishes, and help Lachie (the main character) with his quick changes in and out of his kilt. Near the end of the show, there is a POWERFUL exchange between Lachie and Yank. I would stand off stage, watching through the curtain, and just weep. I mean honest to goodness tears of emotion. I told myself every night, "You will do that part someday. Someday." And I didn't even know which part. Yank or Lachie is an actor's dream. For the next few years, starting in 2000, I would always ask when they were doing "The Hasty Heart" again. The answer was the same, "Someday." Well, the day arrived this year. On February 19th 2011, auditions were held. I was determined not to let this pass. I hadn't even made a callback in like 5 years at Hale, so I wasn't confident. I wasn't about to let this pass me by however, so just in case I had a shot at all, I actually cut my hair off before auditions. About 12 inches worth. 2 years and 3 months of growing to be exact. But I didn't want anything to compromise my chances, so snip snip. Oddly enough, I actually auditioned for Lachie. I did okay actually, well enough to get a callback. That in-and-of-itself about knocked me over. I couldn't imagine not getting a callback, but until my name was read...I was in a bad place. On the upside, my name was read. Callbacks were set for Feb. 21....my birthday. Oh the irony. Callbacks. The worst place for an actor without confidence. My run of not even getting callbacks, let alone being cast, didn't exactly prepare me with oodles of swagger. I recognized some familiar faces, and some faces that I have seen at previous callbacks...where they got the part and I didn't. Wasn't feeling awesome, I won't lie. So, the callbacks begin. They start by having the Colonels read. Then the Orderlies, then the Blossoms. Then, it's time for the men in the ward. So, a bunch of people read...a few more...and then I get to read. I read 2 lines for Yank. Two. Lines. That's it. So that part is not on the table, but we haven't had the Lachlens read yet, so I'm okay. When we get to the Lachie readings, well, it was interesting. I thought my Scottish accent was decent, and having seen the show I knew the intentions behind the character, but I didn't do the best. In fact, when I spoke with Sunny on the way home, she asked how I did and I replied, "I think I did the best I could. And I won't get cast." Oh, how wrong I was. They said at callbacks that we would know by the end of the week, so don't get nervous if you don't hear from them soon. Yeah...right. So, the waiting game began. The following day around noon, I received a call. From Hale. It was Tammy Morgan, our P.A. She said, "Are you sitting down?" I said, "I am now!" She said, "They want you to play Yank." Silence. After about 5 seconds, I screamed. I don't mean I elevated my volume, I mean I screamed like a little girl. Tammy was laughing, I was crying. It was absolute madness. I jumped on Google chat with Sunny and told her to call me. Nah eff it, I got the part babe! Then I proceeded to call my parents, my friends, some dude I met one day. Anyone I could find. Thus, I was a member of the 2011 production of The Hasty Heart. This run has amazing stories throughout. The script is friggin' gold, and our cast was spectacular. I really mean it. Top to bottom, we absolutely clicked. Rehearsals were a rollercoaster. We put it all on the line constantly. We were dismantled, pushed, prodded, and somehow came out with an amazing show and story ready to tell.